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Frequently Asked Questions

We know not all who come to CHN will be familiar with the Christian church or the Episcopal Church. Maybe the liturgy is new to you, or the vocabulary, or the physical gestures some worshippers use. Don't worry, you don't need to know a secret handshake to be part of CHN! And you're not the only one who has questions! Here's some information that may help. If we haven't answered your question here, please contact us! 

Umm . . . what? 

Ever been part of a niche culture that has its own vocabulary? Maybe it's tech-related, or sports, or your field of work. There's a whole lingo to learn. We want our worship to be accessible to everyone, but you may hear some terms you're unfamiliar with (this is true for our staff and lifers too!). If that happens, feel free to ask! Or check out the Episcopal Church's glossary of terms. 

What is the lectionary? 

In short, the lectionary is "an ordered system for reading the Holy Scriptures." It's how our Scripture readings for each worship service are selected, so that we read key Scriptures in our public worship throughout the year in fellowship with other Christians around the world. You can find the schedule for the lectionary here.

Do you have a nursery? 

Our youngest members, with all of their noises and movements and full selves, are always welcome in our church services. We want ALL members and newcomers to experience belonging as we worship together, including the littlest ones. That said, we know there will be times you'll want to make use of our nursery. The nursery is available most Sundays during the service. A sign near the entrance will let you know if the nursery is open. Children may be picked up from the nursery for Communion. 


The nursery is located in the Manger on the lower level of the building.  

What about Sunday School? 

Sunday School is a space for our children and youth to grow in knowledge about God, Scripture, and the faith and traditions of the Episcopal Church. Sunday School runs from September to Pentecost (May 19). Children and youth are dismissed to Sunday School after Communion, and conclude at 11:15 am. 


Preschool-5th graders gather in the Shepherds Room for Godly Play, a Montessori-based curriculum that makes meaning through story, wonder, and play. Our volunteer teachers also select fun crafts and activities to go along with the lesson.


Students in grades 6 through 12 gather in the Bethlehem Room for teaching, multimedia engagement, and discussion on the Bible and its context, as well as Episcopal beliefs and practice. 

Is your building accessible?

Accessibility is important to us at CHN. Most of our building is wheelchair accessible, including our worship space and community room (Ford Room). An elevator near the entrance of the church goes to all three levels. We do our best to be proactive, but if you have specific questions, concerns, or accessibility needs, please contact us.

Want to go deeper? 


New to a liturgical church? This is a great resource to get the lay of the land. But don't worry, no one's watching or judging you here at CHN, and each of us worship in our own way. If you'd like to know more, our Rector is a liturgical enthusiast, and he would love to answer your questions. 


An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY, (all rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.

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