Formation at CHN
At CHN, we believe the liturgy forms us. Worship together is the core of formation here. We also have many opportunities to learn and grow for all ages. These include book studies, adult forums, Sunday School, committees, leadership and service opportunities, Coffee Hour, Lenten supper series, and more.

Rev. Jo Ann Lagman
The Rev. Jo Ann Lagman joined us on October 6 for a special coffee hour to share about her new role as Asiamerica missioner for The Episcopal Church (learn more here).

Table Talks
At CHN, we believe part of our formation work is in building our connections with each other. On select Sundays, we’ll have intentional “table talks” during coffee hour with discussion questions so we can learn more about one another’s stories.

Learn more about our formation programs for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany here.

Learn more about our formation programs for Lent here.

DuPage United
We'll hear from CHN members and other key leaders with DuPage United about the ways they're working to transform our community in a special coffee-hour forum.